Trux Cargo Courier Tracking

trux cargo courier tracking

Enter your Trux Cargo Courier Tracking No/ Pin Code No below to check your courier delivery status in real-time. Monitor Your Parcel Live!

What are the Best Features of Trux Cargo Courier Tracking?

What makes our tracking tool stand out? Here are some exceptional features that set it apart.

  • Simple user interface
  • Easy tracking with Pin code No/ tracking No
  • Real-time tracking solutions
  • Multiple courier tracking support
  • Comprehensive tracking history

About Trux Cargo India | Track It Now!

Truxcargo Pvt. Ltd. was started in 2017. It is a smart shipping company that uses AI to make shipping easy. They offer great prices and many shipping choices all in one place. Truxcargo helps online sellers save time and money by finding the best shipping partners.

Here are some important milestones:

2017: Began in Libaspur, New Delhi with over 130 employees.

2018: Helped 500 clients and earned 5 crore.

2019: Launched a new AI shipping portal, helped 500 more clients, earned 15 crore, and started selling directly to customers.

2020: Handled over 1.5 million shipments and served more than 3,000 clients.

Trux Cargo To Services

  • ECommerce Shipping
  • Secure Docs Delivery
  • Consumer Air Cargo
  • Full Load Transport
  • Partial Load Freight
  • Fleet Rental Solutions

How do I track my Trux Cargo?

We make tracking your order simple with our user-friendly Trux Cargo Courier Tracking tool.

  • Get your  Tracking No/ Pin Code No 
  • Check Tracking No again 
  • Go to the above tracking tool 
  • Enter your tracking details
  • Monitor your delivery details

Trux Cargo Contact Details

If you have any concerns about your courier, contact the Trux Cargo Courier Tracking customer support team. Contact Today!

Phone: +91-9315033113 

Email: [email protected]

Address: 801-802, 8th Floor, KLJ Tower, Plot No. B-5, NSP, Pitampura, Delhi – 110034

Also Check, EWWPL Courier Tracking